Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Paul Public Charter School Honors First Lady of the City Mrs. Michelle Fenty

On October 30, 2007 students and faculty of Paul Public Charter School located on 7th Street NW between Peabody St. and Missouri Ave. NW took time out of there day to honor the Fist Lady of Washington, DC, Mrs. Michelle Fenty.

The children expressed there many talented artistic side through music, dancing, and poetry reciting.

Many faculty of the Paul Public Charter School were recognized as well, but the main recognition was for Mrs. Fenty.

With her soft accented voice she gave an amazing speech about the importance of reading. This was the second time Mrs. Fenty visited the school. Earlier in the year she read stories to the children.

I personally had the opportunity to attend this wonderful ceremony and had a magnificent time.

One of the students gave me a personal tour of the newly renovated school. All the children were well behaved and knowledgeable.
It was a very nice day and I am grateful I was invited to attend this wonderful event.

Thanks Paul Public Charter School

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